Have just lived through possibly the busiest week of my life. London, how could you do this to me?!
I'm starting off with this very gorgeous sunset, captured Thursday evening on my way home. Although it looks almost post-nuclear, it's just proof of the old saying: "Red sky at night, sailors' delight...", because Friday was absolutely beautiful: soft warmth, blue sky – perfect. Of course it was, because most of the population was at work. Now that it's Saturday, the rain and greyness are out in force.
But back to the week... Aside from various teens and young relies coming and going for stay-overs on various nights, it went like this:
Monday A farewell dinner for the very delightfully positioned Queen's Wood writing group. We always met – at the kind generosity of one of our members, who runs the place – at the Queen's Wood Café in (obvs) Queen's Wood. This is one of those lovely things that make life in this city more than bearable: once the Victorian home of the woodsman and his family, now a café tucked into the ancient woods, which have thankfully been left alone to be woods, without a great deal of 'managing' and manicuring. As an ex-New Yorker, it's still astonishing to me that such a thing can exist in a world capital, a little pocket of left-alone old world.
At any event, a lovely meal and wonderful to see the writing group one last time, gathered for a jolly vegetarian spread provided by the café. It has been a treat to be one of the lucky ones who got to duck under the chain with the CLOSED sign on it, and waltzed in. I look forward to enjoying the friendships made there even if we're not meeting monthly.

Wednesday Are you getting tired yet? Because I sure was. But an old friend I barely see since our lives have diverged for various reasons (OK, entirely because I no longer go to an Agatha Christie book group he is a founding member of, but let me stress, this is not how we met: that goes back to a French film evening class some time ago, but that's definitely another story), so when he emailed to say he was going to be in The Bull (thebullhighgate.co.uk), post attending yet another book group (this one a more general mystery one), I said yes. He lives in deepest, darkest sarf London, so I don't know when I'd see him otherwise. I'm glad I went. Was good to see him and, also, I got to hear all the book-group gossip, which would make the basis for a good murder mystery all on its own.

Thursday A long-standing arrangement to meet up with a couple of chums for drinks at The Alwyne Castle definitely couldn't be cancelled, even though going meant the fourth night out in a row post-work. We ladies always seem to be so busy, that finding a night we're all free is like finding a hen's tooth and not to be dismissed lightly. V glad I went. lots of laughter and bonhomie and general merriness – plus, two very clever, good-company drinkers. Here's to next time, ladies. Cheers! (thealwynecastleislington.co.uk)
Friday At last, but no rest for the weary. Tonight's fare was a Graham Parker and the Rumour concert at the Shepherd's Bush Empire, with support from Glen Tilbrook of Squeeze fame. Oh, yes. If you don't remember these folks, it's not too late to discover them. Actually, it probably is. When these old rockers come out, it's their original fan base who are roaring and stamping their appreciation, and the love going back and forth, well, let's just say a new generation might enjoy the music but could possibly feel a little left out. Or not. Don't want to dissuade anyone from having a listen. All I know is, on the way there, with a headache from peering at a computer screen all week, plus exhaustion from working full-time, going out every night and wondering how the heck a new working arrangement (which I have NOT bored you with, you lucky things) is going to slot in, I wondered if going was such a good idea. By the time we left, after over 2 hours of rocking out, I was energized. Thank you, Graham Parker and, my fave name of almost all time, Brinsley Schwartz, for a fab night. (And apols: this is not my picture of them.)
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